International Competition official selection

The 70 finalist among over 2900 from 112 countries

70 very short films under 3 minutes will compete for the main MAX3MIN 2022 International competition.

MAX3MIN JURY AWARD: the international jury will choose the best 10 short films and will award the winner with 3.000€ cash prize.
MAX3MIN AUDIENCE AWARD: the audience too will be asked to express their preferences on-line and to proclaim the 3 winners.
ROLLING STONE ITALIA MENTION: the favorite short film nominated by the editorial staff of the magazine

Award ceremony: Tuesday, March 22 at 9 pm


Ababá by Jon Calvo, Spain, 2021, 3’
Another One for Daddy (Még egyet apuka kedvéért) by Eszter Kajlik, Hungary,  2021, 2’32”
Automedic by David Kamau Waronja, Kenya, 2020, 3’
Autumn by Sofia Gutman, France, 2019, 1’53”
Best Foreigners Forever by Daniela Cruz, United States of America, 2020, 2’53”
The Birth by Arjun Mukherje, India, 2021, 2’44”
Bleu by Matheus Borgatto, Brazil, 2021, 1’
A Body (Un Corpo) by Milena Tipaldo, Italy, 2021, 2’10”
The Cake by Rory Hern, United Kingdom, 2021, 1’30”
Canvas by Srisha Chakraborti, India, 2021, 3’
Conspirators (Confabulados) by Omar Drioli, Mexico, 2021, 3’
The Crash by Lewys Rhodes, United Kingdom, 2021, 1’ 
Cumcumber by Anna Chwal, Poland, 2020, 2’41”
Dollar or Egyptian Pound? by Nadim Suleiman, Egypt / Poland, 2021, 3’07”
Don’t Die on Me (קר לא תומת) by Ori Goldberg, Israel, 2022, 3’
The Drowned (Topielec) by Katarzyna Orłowska, Poland, 2021, 2’04”
Eternal Demise by Dan Rule, United States of America, 2021, 2’18”
The Éveillé (Les Éveillé) by Simon Leclercq and Thibault Leclercq, France, 2020, 2’22”
The French Cowboy by Jacob Ben Littman Redman, France, 2022, 3’
Frenzy by Swann Chesnel and Yoann Chesnel, France, 2021, 1’56”
Ghost Beer by Danielle Mae Gervacio Rina, Philippines, 2020, 2’22”
Hail Mary (Dio te salve, Maria) by Edlyn Castellanos, Mexico, 2019, 1’
How Much? (Pour combien?) by Arthur Fanget, France, 2021, 1’58”
I’m Listening (Usted dirá) by Ignacio Rodó, Spain, 2021, 1’
I Woke Up on a Little Planet (Napamata Ako sa Sadit na Kinaban) by Arjanmar H. Rebeta, Philippines, 2021, 3’
In the Woods by Ilgin Saçan, Turkey, 2021, 2’02”
Jessica by Tobias Wanner and Urša Kastelic, Switzerland, 2022, 2’23”
Kellys by Javier Fesser, Spain, 2021, 2’
LA Trifulca III. Five Billion Dollar by Arturo Pulido, Mexico and United States of America, 2019, 3’26”
Litus Minor by Oscar Valenzin, Italy, 2022, 2’32”
Malvão by Tomás Pichardo, Dominican Republic, 2021, 0’43”
Mappatura. AKA: the City as a Musealized Taxonomy of Human Disappointments
(Mappatura. Ovvero: la città come tassonomia musealizzata degli umani disinganni)
by Niccoló Buttigliero Junior, Italy, 2021,3’
Marriage by Bruna Piantino, Brazil, 2021, 2’
Mattricide by Gemma Rigg, United Kingdom, 2021, 2’40”
Maybe Tomorrow by Mohammad Reza Hassani Ranjbar, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2021, 1’50”
The Monads (Le Monadi) by Stefano Virgilio Cipressi, Italy, 2022, 2’
Moth by Wai Ying Tiffany Tong, United Kingdom, 2020, 3’
Movie (Кино) by Diana Avkhadieva, Russia, 2021, 3’
My Little Black Dress by Leni Charles and Cherelle, Austria, 2021, 1’44”
NYC! Sound (Back) on by BONAMAZE (Gilad Avnat and Stav Nahum), Israel, 2021, 1’15”
Palastik by Asghar Besharati, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2020, 3’
Pink by Yi Han, China, 2021, 1’18”
Pipes of Perception by Tade Sare, United States of America, 2021, 3’
PMS: Premenstrual Superhearing by Owen Tooth, United Kingdom, 2021, 1’
The Power of Love by Thomas Costa Freté, Sweden, 2021, 2’34”
Predestination by Mohammad Vahedi, Islamic Republic of Iran, 2021, 2’18”
The Pulse of the Spirit by Eicke Bettinga, Germany, 2020, 1’49”
Ragú by Marco Morelli, Italy, 2021, 1’
Remains by Eleftheria Katsianou, Greece, 2020, 1’
Shane’s Farm (La granja de Shane) by Carlos Marcenaro, Mexico, 2020, 3’
The Spirit by Yeong Sang Won, Republic of Korea, 2021, 1’34”
S[QUARE)D by Helena Gudkova, Ukraine, 2021, 3’
Straight Outta Colon (Non abbassare la guardia… Colpiscila!) by Lorenzo Clemente, Italy, 2022, 2’46”
Strange by Cameron Carr, United Kingdom, 2021, 2’49”
Subject 9412 by Theresa Gunarso, Australia, 2021, 2’28”
Surfer (翱翔者) by Ziwei Yao, Singapore, 2020, 3’39”
Talking Heads by Lauren Marie Sandercock, United Kingdom, 2020, 2’35”
There is Exactly Enough Time (Es ist genau genug zeit) by Oskar Salomonowitz and Virgil Wildrich, Austria, 2021, 2’21”
Thirst by Filippo Capuzzi Lapietra, Brazil, 2021, 2’39”
To the Closet (Au placard) by Vivien Forsans, Canada, 2020, 2’50”
Translation (Tercûme) by Omer Faruk Baran, Turkey, 2022, 1’
The Two Pieces of My Wife (Les deux morceaux de ma femme) by Anthony Légal and Michaël Marie, France, 2019, 2’53’’
Useless Machine by Kialy Tihngang, United Kingdom, 2021, 2’10”
Vanilla by Dana Goldberg, Israel, 2021, 3’
Visitor (Visiteur) by Orian Dorais, Canada, 2021, 2’20”
Window (Bintana) by Breech Asher Marfil Harani, Philippines, 2020, 3’
Work from Home (Teletrabajo) by Isabella Vidal, Colombia, 2021, 1’59”
Yerba Mala by Cándida Massielle Asencio, Spain, 2021, 2’17”
You Should Take a Walk by Alicia Frøy Johnsen, United Kingdom, 2021, 2’29”
Your Spark (Твоя искра) by Maksim Kubarka, Belarus, 2021, 2’52”

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