Five Finger Day

A Film by Brett Jones, United States of America, 2020

Original Title Five Finger Day
Country of Production United States of America
Year of Production 2020
Running Time 0'59"
Language No dialogue


Days fly by while our hands are at work.

Name Brett Jones
Country United States
Brett Jones grew up in Derby, Kansas and is currently a sophomore Film and Television Production major at the University of Arizona located in Tucson. When not in class, Brett finds great joy working for the Arizona Athletics Creative Services department where he shots and edits sporting events and helps with live game day productions. Brett has a passion for both traditional filmmaking and sports videography, and would be delighted to have a career in either.

Five Finger Day, 2020
Desert, 2020
South Central Punishers, 2018
I'm Gonna Win Cause I Wanna Win: Kennedy Brown, 2018

Director's notes
"Five Finger Day" was a film made to meet the challenge presented in my FTV 210 - Intro to Production Practices course at the University of Arizona, tell a story in under one minute. Not only that, but due to COVID-19, we had to minimize our cast and crew as much as possible. The idea of presenting an action-packed take on our everyday lives allowed me to explore a fun visual style and something I feel is a relatable narrative.

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