Trying to Remember How to Fall Asleep

A Film by Chloe Vlahos, France, 2022

this film was scheduled on 14 December. (Register or login to vote and add your comment)

Original Title Trying to Remember How to Fall Asleep
Country of Production France
Year of Production 2022
Running Time 03'50''
Language English
Production budget 0
Chloe Vlahos


An exploration of how insomnia affects both mind and body. The protagonist feels disoriented in her state of fatigue and experiences a disturbing sense of ‘placelessness' after excessive phone use, so she resorts to the supposed sleep-inducing powers of ASMR sounds in an attempt to silence the restless mind.

Name Chloe Vlahos
Country United Kingdom
Chloe Vlahos is a writer, filmmaker and photographer based in Bristol, England. After spending her early twenties in Paris and later moving back to the UK, she became interested in the connections between longing, memory, and landscape, seeking to explore how these elements interact in subtle ways to influence each other. Her written and visual work attempts to evoke a sense of remembering something you didn’t know you had forgotten.

Goodbye Pre-Frontal Cortex (2023)
Last Fall (2022)

Director's notes
After dealing with insomnia for most of my life, I wanted to find a way to visually re-create the disorientation experienced after prolonged sleep disturbance. For example, the split-screens combining both text and visual elements means that the viewer is forced to concentrate on two opposing elements at once - simulating the mentally taxing experience of focusing even in a state of lucidity and fatigue.
I also wanted the film to demonstrate how many of the commonly suggested antidotes to sleepless-ness, such as 'not thinking about your tiredness' and 'listening to calming and relaxing sounds' are often futile when confronted with a restless mind. It is for this reason I have often found myself lured by the refuge offered by digital screens which tend to have an anaesthetic effect, offering a temporary escape from one's current state of mind and physical reality.
By combining ASMR whisper sounds with the visual footage, I hoped to provide a multi-sensory experience for viewers in which they are able to experience the disconnected relationship to reality one has when suffering from insomnia, and ultimately to gain an insight into how prolonged lack of sleep eventually bleeds into your perception of both yourself and your surroundings.

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