
A Film by Nursultan Nuskabekov, Andrey Baranov, Kazakhstan, 2023

this film was scheduled on 29 November. (Register or login to leave your comment)

Original Title Murashka
Country of Production Kazakhstan
Year of Production 2023
Running Time 2'59"
Language Kazakh
Production budget 184 USD
Director of photography: Doskhan Uakhitov
Сamera аssistant: Yrysbek Adilbekuly
Story: Andrey Baranov
Recordist: Batyrkhan Khairullin
Director of make-up: Arailym Tashayeva
Produced: Sholpan Zhabayeva
Film editor: Nursultan Nuskabekov
Сasting director: Lana Nosenko
Assistant director: Diana Absalyamova
Sound director: Dias Lestegi


Production Company or Producer Sholpan Zhabayeva
Contact Person Sholpan Zhabayeva, Andrey Baranov


The old man gives away his most precious medal to go back to his memories

Name Nursultan Nuskabekov
Country Kazakhstan
My name is Nursultan (b. 1992) and I am from Kazakhstan. By the way, the capital of my country was also called Nursultan for some time. But I'm not proud of this. I would like to be proud of the fruits of my creativity.
I graduated the Kazakh National University of Arts in 2019. There are some awards for my documentaries. But there were no international ones yet. So there is something to strive for.

Name Andrey Baranov
Country Kazakhstan
There is nothing unusual in this story. I was born in Ekibastuz (b. 1991), a small mining town in Kazakhstan. Since childhood I was engaged in drawing, but I decided to enroll as a feature film director at the Kazakh National University of Arts. Then for a long time I worked on short patriotic videos, also I made educational videos about history and news reports. "Murashka" is the first feature film in a long time. It brought back the spirit of creativity and reminded me of my dream: To make a film in which the viewer will laugh out loud at first and cry at the end.

Director's notes
Cinematography is a way to give a piece of our world to your word.

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